Hie Shrine: A Serene Retreat in the Heart of Akasaka, Tokyo Nestled in the bustling districts of Nagatacho and Akasaka, Hie Shrine offers a peaceful escape amidst the high-rise buildings of central Tokyo. Though surrounded by...
Kasuga Taisha: UNESCO World Heritage Shrine in Nara Kasuga Taisha, located in Nara, is the head shrine of all Kasuga Shrines across Japan. With a history dating back to the Nara period (710-794),...
Omiwa Shrine: Japan’s Oldest Shrine and Sacred Mount Miwa Omiwa Shrine (大神神社) also known as Miwa Myojin, located in Nara Prefecture, is widely regarded as one of the oldest Shinto shrines in Japan. What...
Kashihara Jingu: The Sacred Ground of Japan’s First Emperor If you’re interested in Japan’s ancient history, a visit to Kashihara Jingu in Nara Prefecture offers a unique opportunity to explore the legendary beginnings of...
Isonokami Jingu : one of Japan’s Oldest Shrine in Nara If you’re looking to explore a lesser-known but deeply significant part of Japan’s spiritual history, Isonokami Shrine in Nara Prefecture should be on your list....
Kanda Myojin Shrine:A Historic Shrine in the Heart of Tokyo Kanda Myojin, officially known as Kanda Shrine (Kanda Jinja), is a significant cultural and historical site located in the bustling district of Chiyoda, Tokyo. With...
Yoyogi Hachimangu: Shibuya’s Shrine with a Designer Toilet When exploring Shibuya, most people immediately think of the iconic Meiji Jingu. But just a short walk away lies Yoyogi Hachimangu, a serene shrine that...
Nogi Shrine: Explore Nogizaka’s Historical and Cultural Gem Nestled in the bustling area between Roppongi and Akasaka, Nogi Shrine offers a serene and lush escape in the heart of Tokyo. This Shinto shrine,...
Aoyama Kumano Shrine As you walk through the bustling streets of Aoyama, one of Japan’s major urban districts, you might suddenly come across a small, yet cultural Shinto...